(I’m expecting some slippery patches in T.O.
Second, be careful on the roads! Depending on where you live, roads can be slippery. If any of you are travelling today, let me leave you with some advice: first, if you drink, don’t drive. Whether you’re spending time with family, friends, or by yourself, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a happy holiday. After all, most of 2013 was slow because of work shortages, so I’m happy to take whatever I can get. Who would have thought it was possible to rake in extra cash between Christmas and New Year’s Day?! Again, I’m not complaining. Oh, and one more thing: contrary to previous years, I’ll be working occasionally during this holiday season. After all, seeing Toronto folk once a year is better than not seeing anyone at all, right?
Because my schedule is unpredictable during the year, Christmas is usually the only time I have to make a trip to Ontario’s capital. Family, friends, acquaintances, and some colleagues are looking forward to seeing me again. I’ll be spending the holiday season in Toronto, Ontario. It’s amazing how quickly one year has flown by! Though I don’t want to think about it just yet, the year 2014 begins one week from today.